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Full-fledged Newspaper and Magazine Apps

Create website & mobile apps with latest features as per publications industry

Social Media Integration

Implement the social media feature's for best user experience depends on the personalization of the content

Mobile App Development Solution

Create apps based on modern newspaper and magazine requirements and east to use anywhere anytime

Advanced News & Magazine App Features

Our team are using latest technologies about real time services and user-friendly apps

Magazine and Newspaper Application Development in Delhi

Our news and magazine apps come packed with many personalization features that make it extremely easy for the readers to customize their news feed according to their location preferences and categories. We enable your readers to share news, columns, or articles to their social media channels from within the application. We offer several readers engagement features for your readers to participate in the app. To increase your app engagement levels we prepare your magazine and news app to function in an offline mode. This makes it easy for your readers to read and view content on the go without any dependency on the network connection. With our social media integration, it becomes easier for readers to share news or opinionated pieces that they find worth sharing in their network.

Real time news updates anywhere anytime Target the impressive list of clients from the news and media industry Categorized the news for the target audience Intergreate the social media features with the web and mobile apps Get user experience and engagement with the advance search Reader engagement with contents and apps features
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The newspaper and magazine in one of the important pillars of society, it's publishing various types of industries' work to inform the public about current events. Newspapers help people to stay informed about the most important events. The newspapers provide details explanations, and interpretations of all news subjects, or beats, including local and national politics, crime, entertainment, sports, and international affairs, among others. Magazines can be a great variety and diversity, many of them are aimed at catering to a particular segment of readers. Many magazines meet similar needs of readers but also may serve special interests or unique segments of populations. Most of the publication houses have newspapers, news channels, and also magazines to have their share of the huge market.

Customized Media & Entertainment Web Application

ITSWS has some expert professionals and designers to design the best quality social websites or news sites for various types of news. Our popular news site updates the latest news across the country. 
We have some professional content writers, who post the latest and updated news on the sites for society.
In this modern era, the newspaper is a highly and most reputed an old-fashioned way of getting the latest news on daily basis. All the latest news showing or announcing on the radio every minute and immediate show on TV channels, now one of the most popular ways to know the latest news Internet, every news are uploaded frequently. Most of the news is old the next morning. Many people are moving on the internet and see the latest news on mobiles and tablets every minute. 
These days, people are craving news, everyone wants to know and read the news same time without any wait. Various types of news websites and mobile apps are available on the Internet. When everyone easy to access several news and the latest update. 

Offshore Magazine  And Newspaper Application Development

ITSWS Technologies developed the news website and mobile apps according to clients' needs and show all the required news icons and various selection fields online. Websites pages are properly designed and developed by experienced professionals, all the new spacers apps offer several features like flexibility, user-friendly, and ease to access everywhere. 
All the websites and mobile apps are developed properly according to readers' choice and easy-to-use slideshows, audio, video, and several web links. Several social media links and information are available on the same pages. Readers are engaged with the various news comments, products rate, and surveys. 

Custom Media Software Development Services
The magazine is another popular way to read news and others updated information via the internet, hard copy, and mobile apps. In this modern era, everything is available on the internet and various mobile apps. Most people are using mobile apps to see the latest news and other information. Our team will understand the requirements of customers and readers, so they developed user-friendly news websites and mobile apps. The mobile apps engage the customers 24*7 everywhere and they can easily access the internet and view the latest news easily.  
ITSWS Technologies Pvt. Ltd. developed the user-friendly magazine apps crashing time in the market with a robust methodology. With proper design and user interface expanding the user base quickly. Many people easy to use mobile apps to view the news and save their time and money. The development team customizes the app support and presents it as per readers' preferences. They provide support to news and magazine company to upload the data and live them instantly.  

Creative Magazine Apps Developments Company in Noida

We have an expert team that ensures that the clients get their news and magazine app according to their needs. Our team visualized each requirement of the particular company and then proceed with their work accordingly. Helping entrepreneurs devise their revenue model is also a prime element of our newspaper and magazine app development services’ offerings. Our team of mobile app strategists helps you decide the best way to monetize your magazine and news app. While the subscription model is the one that is most preferred by the news and magazine brands, we give you a series of other monetization as well. These plans might include sponsored content, in-app advertisement, and others.

Improved reader experience

Improved reader experience

Easy search and preference

Easy search and preference

Easy search and preference
Easy search and preference
Easy search and preference

Why Choose ITSWS Technologies for Magazine And Newspaper Application Development

Here are some reasons why you can put your complete faith in ITSWS Technologies when it comes to your Magazine And Newspaper Application Development needs.


Projects Deliver


Skilled Professionals


Satisfied Clients Worldwide


Years of Experiences


Repeat Business


Customized product

ITSWS charter is to make IT think, talk and perform like a business.

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Clients Testimonials

India's Leading Magazine And Newspaper Application Development, Just Got Better.

Explore our work

No matter what the Magazine And Newspaper Application Development that you are looking for, we can offer them all. To be sure that you are making the right choice by partnering with us, you can review our portfolio below.

Viral Article & News

Viral Article & News

PHP,MSQL,HTML5 Publishing
Jagrukbane(voice of consumers)

Jagrukbane(voice of consumers)

PHP, HTML, CSS, Ajax and MYSQL Reviews
VacancyExpert(India's No1 Job & Career Site)

VacancyExpert(India's No1 Job & Career Site)

JAVA,JSP and MYSQL Job Portal & Career
SKumar Tutorials

SKumar Tutorials

PHP,HTML and MYSQL Education & eLearning
Sangita Institute of Performing Arts

Sangita Institute of Performing Arts

PHP,HTML and MYSQL Education & eLearning


Java,JSP and MYSQL Restaurants & Cafes

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